DBS Vickers é uma subsidiária integral do DBS Bank. Nascido e criado na Ásia, a DBS Vickers é uma empresa de corretagem de valores mobiliários e derivativos que fornece serviços e soluções de corretagem de varejo, institucionais e on-line abrangentes. Com sede em Cingapura e uma rede de escritórios que se estende a Hong Kong, Indonésia, Tailândia, Malásia, Estados Unidos e Reino Unido, temos um grande alcance internacional com um forte foco asiático. Através da nossa equipe de Representantes de Comércio experientes, você pode ter acesso a mais mercados no exterior e maior variedade de produtos de investimento, todos com atendimento personalizado. Com sede em Cingapura, também temos uma forte presença em Hong Kong, Tailândia e Indonésia, bem como escritórios nos EUA e UK. Australian Stock Exchange Info foi criada em 2006 como um recurso totalmente gratuito para investidores do mercado de ações australiano. Designado como Um guia de iniciantes para o mercado de ações, bem como para o comerciante mais experiente. Somos executados e atualizados por uma equipe de entusiastas do mercado de ações australiano e foi projetado como um diretório e fonte de informação para novos investidores e antigos, procurando informações e ferramentas para ajudá-los a melhorar seus lucros do mercado de ações. Nosso objetivo é simples - ser o mais abrangente, atualizado, fácil de usar e útil FREE Australian Stock Market informações site na web. Nós não somos o ASX, mas uma fonte de informação gratuita para ajudar as pessoas a investir no mercado, fornecendo informações e links. Para ir para o site da Australian Securities Exchange ir para asx. au A Bolsa de Valores Australiana (ASX) é a principal bolsa de valores na Austrália. Existem outras bolsas de espelho, mas eles simplesmente espelhar a Bolsa Australiana. A Bolsa de Valores começou como trocas individuais em diferentes estados que foram estabelecidos até 1871. Negociação na bolsa de valores é tudo eletrônico não como nos dias passados, onde tudo era manual e deixou para os seres humanos. O sistema responsável por se chamava SEATS, mas desde então foi assumido por um novo, muito superior sistema eletrônico capaz de muitas mais transações por segundo chamado ITS, que significa Intergrated Trading System. Investir no mercado acionário pode ser uma tarefa arriscada. Também pode ser muito gratificante para o investidor paciente que está disposto a aprender as habilidades necessárias para lucrar com os mercados. Por favor, certifique-se antes de investir no mercado de ações que você ler todos os materiais relevantes fornecidos nas páginas dentro. Você pode ganhar a vida negociando o mercado de ações, então não desista até early. Be paciente e, claro, se divertir. Australian Stock Exchange ASX Info Este site será atualizado com a maior freqüência possível. Se você encontrar quaisquer recursos adicionais do mercado de ações que você acha que estaria compartilhando conosco, por favor, solte-nos um e-mail e vamos felizmente revê-lo. Se concordarmos, poderemos publicá-lo no nosso site. Nós juntamos agora forças com os fóruns das partes picaretas para trazer-lhe o que nós esperamos será eventualmente o forum australiano o maior do mercado de valores de acção para fora lá. Se você estiver após um grande mercado de ações fórum basta clicar no link acima para ser levado para os fóruns. Novo para o mercado de ações e não tenho certeza o que todos os termos comerciais significa 2) Dê uma olhada no nosso dicionário que está localizado no menu à esquerda para encontrar o significado de linguagem como, day trading, forex, futuros, opções, stock picks , Negociação de ações, compra institucional, instituição, fórum do mercado de ações, swing trading, mercado de ações para iniciantes e muito mais. Copy2006-2011 australianstockexchange informação. Todos os direitos reservados O atual Diretor Administrativo da Australian Securities Exchange é Robert Elstone, que foi nomeado em 2006. Existem quatro principais índices que são regularmente citados e estes incluem os All Ordinary, The Top 200 (lista das 200 melhores ações), o Top 100 (lista dos 100 melhores estoques eo ASX 50 que contém os 50 melhores estoques. Os índices mais comuns que muitas vezes aqui nas notícias são o Top 200 e o All Ords. Eles ainda são vistos pelos investidores como o benchmark Índices e são uma indicação de onde o mercado está viajando. A Australian Securities Exchange é uma empresa pública e está listada em sua própria Bolsa. Cada ações listadas é atribuído um código de três letras. A capitalização de mercado atual é acreditado para ser cerca de 1 trilhão de dólares Com aproximadamente 2200 empresas listadas até à data. A Bolsa de Valores negocia aproximadamente 500 000 comércios por dia. As ações de mineração compõem uma parcela muito grande do índice, especialmente com o boom de recursos Miner recentes. Alguns dos maiores estoques negociados que compõem o índice Incluem, a Rio Tinto, a BHP Billiton, a National Australia Bank ea Telstra. Existem muitas regras sobre a listagem na Bolsa de Valores australiana, mas isso pode ser uma ótima maneira para as empresas a expandir e obter novos fundos em seus cofres. SUGESTÕES SUGESTÕES: Temos limitado slots painel disponível, mas sempre apreciar recomendações que se alinham com a nossa agenda de conteúdo. Por favor, clique AQUI para submissão de formulários. Lamentamos não termos conseguido acompanhar todas as submissões, mas estaremos em contacto caso tenhamos um ajuste específico. Fundação Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen Fundação Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen é a Fundadora e Presidente da Fundação Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen (LAAF), uma fundação operária privada com a missão de inspirar, educar e capacitar as pessoas a dar de uma forma que Mais. No seu núcleo, o LAAF é uma organização de educação filantrópica que cria e fornece recursos e programas on-line gratuitos e de alta qualidade para ajudar todos os doadores, não importa onde eles estejam, a fazer presentes de maior impacto com o que eles têm para dar. As iniciativas de fundação incluem: ProjectU, uma carteira de recursos educacionais gratuitos, fornecendo tudo o que qualquer educador precisa para ensinar cursos de filantropia estratégica. Dando 2.0 Chapter Network, uma rede nacional de clubes universitários dedicada a aprender e praticar a doação estratégica e, no outono de 2014, Universidade MOOC (maciço curso aberto on-line) na plataforma Coursera para ensinar aos doadores globalmente como estrategicamente investir tempo, dinheiro e experiência. Laura criou e ensinou o primeiro curso de Filosofia Estratégica do Stanford GSB (Stanford GSB) desde 2000 e desenvolveu e ensinou os primeiros cursos de Stanford University sobre empreendedorismo filantrópico estratégico e inovação social, aplicando o pensamento de projeto para criar financiamento colaborativo de impacto social, bem como Tecnológicas do setor social. Laura é fundadora e diretora do Stanford PACS (Centro de Filantropia e Sociedade Civil), um centro de pesquisa global dedicado a explorar idéias para criar mudanças sociais e editor do premiado Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). Laura é o Fundador, Presidente emérito e ex-presidente (1998-2008) do SV2 (Fundo de Investimento Social do Vale do Silício), um fundo de filantropia de risco que alavanca o capital financeiro, intelectual e humano de seus parceiros para ter um impacto mensurável na comunidade do Vale do Silício. A SV2 construiu uma carteira de 41 beneficiários, 500 investidores e ganhou a Associação Filantrópica do Ano da Silicon Valley Association of Fundraising Professionals 2008. Seu livro mais vendido e premiado do New York Times, Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving e Our World (Wiley / Jossey-Bass, 2011), capacita indivíduos de todas as origens, idades e paixões a tornar sua matéria dando mais. Laura também é um autor contribuinte para Worth Magazine, o Huffington Post, SSIR eo livro, Missão Local, Visão Global. Laura tem sido perfilado no New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Forbes e Vogue. Ela foi apresentada em Charlie Rose, CNN com Erin Burnett, MSNBC com Dylan Ratigan e CNBC Power Lunch. Laura é co-fundadora e presidente da Fundação Marc e Laura Andreessen. Ela é diretora da Fundação Arrillaga e membro do conselho da Sand Hill Foundation e do Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). É um administrador anterior da fundação da comunidade do vale de silicone, da instituição de Hoover, da escola de Castilleja, da escola de Menlo, da escola preparatória de Eastside, do instituto da arte de San Francisco e do Conselho da saúde das crianças. Laura possui MBA da Stanford Graduate School of Business, além de mestrado em Educação, BA e MA em História da Arte, todos da Universidade de Stanford. No total, Laura detém cinco graus de Stanford, incluindo Bing Nursery School, onde se formou com honras por consumir grandes quantidades de Play-Doh sob a mesa de artesanato. Além de inúmeros prêmios de filantropia da Califórnia, Laura foi um membro da Henry Crown 2005 do Instituto Aspen foi premiado com o Prêmio de Prestação de Serviços Voluntários 2005 da Fundação Pontos de Luz foi homenageado com o Prêmio Global de Cidadania Global 2011 do Conselho Mundial de Filantropia Como o 2014 Commonwealth Club Distinguished Citizen Award. Laura vive com seu marido, empresário de tecnologia e capitalista de risco Marc Andreessen, perto da Universidade de Stanford, e juntos eles gostam de ler, arte, escrever, filmes, atletismo, dormir, não dormir e rir, tanto quanto possível. A Cyan Banister é parceira do Founders Fund, onde investe em setores e estágios com um interesse particular em indústrias, mercados, SaaS e empresas altamente regulamentadas que ajudam as pessoas com habilidades básicas a encontrarem um trabalho significativo. Antes de se juntar Fundadores Fundo, Cyan foi um investidor anjo ativo com um portfólio, incluindo Uber, Thumbtack, SpaceX, EShares, Postmates e Affirm. Um engenheiro e empresário autodidata, Cyan tem ocupado vários cargos de liderança técnica ao longo de sua carreira. Como um dos primeiros empregados da IronPort, que foi adquirida pela Cisco, a Cyan supervisionou a infraestrutura de suporte e o desempenho de uma base de clientes global. Cyan tem uma paixão pelas artes e é um filme voraz, documentário e consumidor de mídia. Ela é a fundadora e editora-chefe da Zivity e co-fundadora da Signal Media Project, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que promove e facilita o retrato exato da ciência, tecnologia e história na mídia popular. Marc Benioff é presidente e CEO da Salesforce. Um dos pioneiros da computação em nuvem, Benioff fundou a empresa em 1999 com a visão de criar um serviço on-demand de gerenciamento de informações para substituir a tecnologia tradicional de software corporativo. Sob sua liderança, a Salesforce cresceu de uma idéia inovadora para a empresa de software de maior crescimento do mundo e a maior empresa de gerenciamento de relacionamento com clientes (CRM). As tecnologias de nuvem móveis, sociais e conectadas da Salesforces ajudam as empresas a criar conexões mais profundas e mais significativas com seus clientes. Por sua abordagem revolucionária, a Salesforce foi nomeada a empresa mais inovadora do mundo quatro anos seguidos pela Forbes Magazine. A Fortune Magazine nomeou Salesforce como a Empresa mais Admirada do Mundo na indústria de software dois anos seguidos e classificou a empresa como 7 entre os Melhores Lugares para Trabalhar. Benioff foi amplamente reconhecido por sua liderança visionária e inovação pioneira. Ele foi nomeado Empresário do Ano pelos leitores da Fortune, um dos Melhores CEOs do Mundo por Barrons, e recebeu o Prêmio de Economia dos Inovadores. Ele atuou como co-presidente do Comitê Consultivo Presidencial de Tecnologia da Informação de 20032005. Ao longo de sua carreira, Benioff evangelizou um novo modelo de filantropia corporativa integrada. Em 2000, ele lançou a Salesforce Foundation e estabeleceu o modelo 1-1-1, pelo qual a empresa contribui com um por cento do produto, um por cento da equidade e um por cento das horas de trabalho para as comunidades que serve globalmente. Hoje, a Fundação inspirou outras corporações líderes a adotar o modelo 1-1-1. Benioff tem focado sua filantropia pessoal em avançar os cuidados de saúde das crianças através UCSF Benioff Childrens Hospitais. Benioff é um veterano de 35 anos da indústria de software. Antes de lançar a Salesforce, ele passou 13 anos na Oracle Corporation. Ele fundou sua primeira empresa, a Liberty Software, que criou videogames, com a idade de 15. Ele também trabalhou como programador de linguagem de montagem na Apple Computers Macintosh Division durante seus anos de faculdade. Benioff recebeu um Bacharelado em Administração de Empresas em 1986 e um grau honorário de Doutor de Cartas Humanas em 2014 da Universidade do Sul da Califórnia. Ele é o autor de três livros, incluindo o best-seller nacional, Behind the Cloud. Gina Bianchini é especialista na criação de redes sociais especializadas online e no mundo real. Ela é a fundadora e CEO da Mightybell (mightybell), que oferece redes sociais profissionais com um propósito. Antes de Mightybell, Bianchini e Marc Andreessen co-fundaram Ning (ning), a maior plataforma social para comunidades de interesses on-line. Gina foi destaque como um dos NPRs 5 Nerds para assistir em 2013, Marie Claires Nova Guarda, Fortune Revistas 40 sob 40, Huffington Posts 10 tecnologia Ultimate Game Changers, e 7x7 revistas Hot 20 lista. Gina e Mightybell foram apresentados em Fast Company, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The New York Times e The Wall Street Journal. Ela também apareceu em Charlie Rose, CNBC e CNN. Ela foi criada em Cupertino, Califórnia, formou-se com honras da Universidade de Stanford e recebeu seu M. B.A da Stanford Business School. Roelof F. Botha centra-se em Internet, serviços e investimentos em software. Ele é Diretor da Eventbrite, Evernote, Inside, MongoDB, Natera (NTRA), Plain Vanilla, Square (SQ), Unity Technologies, Weebly e Whisper. Ele também está envolvido com as empresas do portfólio Sequoia Capital, incluindo AssureX e Mapillary. Anteriormente, foi Diretor do YouTube (GOOG), Insider Pages (IACI), Meebo (GOOG), TokBox (Telefônica Digital), Nimbula (ORCL), Tumblr (YHOO), Jawbone e Xoom (XOOM), e levou Sequoias Investimento em Instagram (FB). Antes de ingressar na Sequoia Capital em 2003, Roelof atuou como Diretor Financeiro da PayPal (PYPL), uma empresa de pagamentos on-line. Anteriormente, trabalhou como consultor de gestão para a McKinsey amp Company. Roelof é um atuário certificado (Fellow da Faculdade de Atuários) e possui um B. S. Em Ciências Atuariais, Economia e Estatística da Universidade de Cape Town e um M. B.A. da Stanford Graduate School of Business. Robert Brunner fundou a San Francisco-based design studio Munição em 2007 para comunicar idéias através de produtos, marcas e suas experiências ao redor. Seu trabalho como designer industrial gerou inúmeros projetos de marca nas últimas três décadas. Antes de fundar a Munição, Robert era sócio da Pentagram e liderou programas de consultoria e design industrial de marca para empresas Fortune 500. Anteriormente, foi Diretor de Design Industrial para a Apple, onde estabeleceu sua organização pioneira de design corporativo interno, a Apple IDg. Antes de ingressar na Apple, Robert co-fundou a consultoria de design Lunar. Nomeado um de Fast Companys a maioria de povos creativos no negócio, o trabalho de Roberts está incluído nas coleções permanentes do projeto do MoMA em New York e em San Francisco. Ele é o co-autor do livro Do You Matter Como grande projeto vai fazer as pessoas amam a sua empresa. Daniel é um parceiro de design da Google Ventures. Ele é mais conhecido por seu trabalho com web groundbreakers como Digg e Mozilla. Daniel passou mais de uma década ajudando startups com design de produto. Ele co-fundou a agência web canadense Silverorange, onde trabalhou com uma ampla gama de clientes, incluindo Ning, o governo canadense, Bebo, Revision3 e Mozilla, onde ajudou a projetar a marca Firefox. Daniel passou a liderar a fase inicial de projetos para Digg e passou cinco anos como diretor criativo Diggs. Ele também co-fundou a rede social Pownce com Kevin Rose e atuou como diretor de design da Tiny Speck, uma startup de jogos. Em abril de 2011 Daniel e seu colaborador de longa data Kevin Rose co-fundaram a incubadora móvel Milk, que foi adquirida pelo Google. Depois de ingressar no Google, Daniel liderou a experiência do usuário móvel para o Google antes de se tornar um parceiro no Google Ventures. Adam Cahan atua como vice-presidente sênior de produtos móveis e emergentes no Yahoo, onde supervisiona o esforço móvel global da empresa. Neste papel, ele é responsável por produtos, design e engenharia de produtos móveis Yahoos, Flickr e Smart TV. Em 2011, Adam se juntou ao Yahoo com a aquisição da IntoNow, onde foi fundador e diretor executivo. Antes de criar IntoNow, ele foi o CEO da Auditude, que foi adquirida pela Adobe. Anteriormente, atuou como vice-presidente executivo de estratégia e operações de negócios na MTV Networks, e ocupou cargos de liderança no Google, McKinsey amp Company e NBC Universal. Adam começou sua carreira como produtor associado e cineasta de vida selvagem para National Geographic Television, com sede no Zaire, África. Adam é membro da diretoria da ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG. Ele possui um diploma de graduação da Brown University e um MBA da Columbia Business School com Beta Gamma Sigma Honors. Liam Casey é o Fundador e CEO da PCH, que projeta soluções de fabricação sob medida para a Fortune 500 e empresas de startup. Desde a fundação da PCH em 1996, a Casey aumentou a sua empresa para mais de 900M em receitas em 2013. A empresa tem sido um grande defensor e apoiador de empresas de hardware de arranque, como LittleBits, Cue, Ringly, Drop, Navdy e Blaze, entre muitos outros. . Nomeado após a estrada famosa de Califórnia, PCH é sediado em Cork Ireland. A PCH abriu sua sede nos EUA em 2013 em San Francisco, Califórnia. Servindo clientes globalmente, a empresa opera um centro de inovação em San Francisco, que inclui PCH Lime Lab, uma divisão de engenharia de projeto com capacidade de prototipagem de última geração, Highway1, uma incubadora de hardware e PCH Access, que ajuda as empresas de startup a escalar . Casey é amplamente reconhecido como um líder de pensamento em hardware, gerenciamento de cadeia de suprimentos e startups. Ele passa seu tempo em San Francisco, Cork e Shenzhen. Brian é co-fundador e diretor executivo da Airbnb. Brian dirige a visão, a estratégia e o crescimento da companhia enquanto fornece maneiras interessantes e originais para que os povos viajem e mude as vidas de sua comunidade. Sob a liderança de Brians, a Airbnb está na vanguarda da economia de partilha e expandiu-se para mais de 1.000.000 de listas em 190 países. Brian conheceu o co-fundador Joe Gebbia na Rhode Island School of Design, onde recebeu um Bacharelado em Belas Artes em Design Industrial. O Supervisor David Chiu foi eleito em novembro de 2008 para representar o Distrito 3 de San Franciscos. O Distrito 3 abriga muitos bairros diversos e vibrantes, incluindo North Beach, Chinatown, Telegraph Hill, Russian Hill, Polk Street, Nob Hill, Union Square, Barbary Coast e Fishermans Wharf. Em janeiro de 2009, David foi eleito Presidente do Conselho de Supervisores por seus colegas, e atualmente está cumprindo seu terceiro mandato de dois anos nesse cargo. Antes de ingressar no Conselho, David foi fundador e diretor de operações da Grassroots Enterprise, uma empresa de tecnologia de comunicações on-line. Antes de Grassroots, ele trabalhou como promotor criminal na Secretaria de Advogados do Distrito de San Francisco e como um advogado de direitos civis no Comitê de Advogados para Direitos Civis. Em meados da década de 1990, David serviu como conselheiro democrata do Subcomitê de Constituição do Senado dos EUA e como senador Paul Simons assessor do Comitê de Orçamento do Senado. O filho mais velho de pais imigrantes, David Chiu cresceu em Boston e recebeu seu diploma de graduação, diploma de direito e mestrado em políticas públicas da Universidade de Harvard. David Chiu viveu no Distrito 3 por mais de quinze anos nos bairros de Russian Hill e Polk Street. Antes de assumir o cargo, David foi um líder prático em San Francisco e no Distrito 3, como Comissário de Pequenas Empresas, presidente do Lower Polk Neighbours, presidente do Instituto de Liderança Juvenil, presidente do Chinatown Community Development Centre, Árbitro do Tribunal Comunitário da Polk Street e presidente da Associação de Advogados da Ásia-Americana da Grande Área da Baía. David foi previamente eleito para o Comitê Central do Condado Democrático de San Francisco e presidiu o 13º Comitê Democrático do Distrito da Assembléia da Califórnia. Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Clayton Christensen é o Kim B. Clark Professor de Administração de Empresas na Harvard Business School, com uma nomeação conjunta na Tecnologia e Gestão de Operações e Gestão Geral grupos de professores. O Prof. Christensen possui um BA com as mais altas honras em Economia da Brigham Young University (1975), e um M. Phil. Em econometria aplicada e na economia de países menos desenvolvidos da Universidade de Oxford (1977), como um estudioso de Rhodes. Ele recebeu um MBA com High Distinction da Harvard Business School em 1979, graduando-se como um George F Baker Scholar. Ele foi premiado com seu DBA da Harvard Business School em 1992. Em 1982, o Prof. Christensen foi nomeado um companheiro da Casa Branca, e serviu como assistente dos Secretários de Transporte dos EUA Drew Lewis e Elizabeth Dole. Um empresário experiente, o Prof. Christensen fundou uma série de empresas de sucesso - CPS Corporation, uma empresa de fabricação de materiais avançados Innosight, uma empresa de consultoria e formação e Rose Park Advisors, uma empresa de investimento e um think tank, The Christensen Institute. Ele também é autor de vários livros de gestão e mais de uma centena de artigos. Tony Conrad é co-fundador e CEO da About. me (crunchbase / company / aboutme) (adquirido pela Aol em dezembro de 2010 e comprado pelos fundadores em fevereiro de 2013), a plataforma de representação da identidade pessoal online. Ele também é sócio fundador da True Ventures, onde atua no Conselho de Administração da Automattic (WordPress), Blue Bottle Coffee, appssavvy, Quarterly, KISSmetrics, Qualaroo e levou Trues investimento em MakerBot, ToyTalk, 9GAG e Betable. Anteriormente, Tony foi co-fundador amp CEO Sphere (adquirido pela AOL em abril de 2008). Além disso, Tony tem gerenciado investimentos em Typekit (adquirido pela Adobe), Milk (adquirido pela Google), OnTheAir (adquirido pela Yahoo), Post Communications (NDS), QuinStreet (NASDAQ: QNST), Danger (adquirido pela Microsoft) , Sabrix (adquirida pela Thompson Reuters), Stonyfield Farms (adquirida pelo Grupo Danone), TAGGED (WeGame), Oddpost (adquirida pelo Yahoo), Iconoculture, MusicNow (adquirida pela Circuit City) e Centive. Tony é um T4O co-presidente nacional de Tecnologia para Obama. Seus interesses incluem ser um pai, viagens, arquitetura, os Cubs, scuba e triathlons IRONMAN. Hes um graduado da Universidade de Indiana, Bloomington. Tony é originalmente de uma pequena comunidade agrícola Indiana, viveu em Paris, Jacarta, New Dehli, Nova York e atualmente vive em San Francisco. Matthew Cooper, Ph. D. DABT, MBA, é atualmente CEO e co-fundador da Carmenta Bioscience, uma empresa que responde a necessidades médicas não satisfeitas em saúde materna e fetal. Ele também atua no conselho de administração da Fundação Preeclampsia, um grupo de defesa de pacientes com a missão de reduzir a doença materna e infantil e morte devido à pré-eclâmpsia, síndrome HELLP e outros transtornos hipertensivos da gravidez. Matthew tem mais de 15 anos de experiência no desenvolvimento de biomarcadores e drogas em toda a cadeia de valor. As áreas passadas da especialidade incluíram descoberta e desenvolvimento do biomarker, informática, segurança (toxicology e DMPK), e estratégia organizational / organizational. Matthew também atuou em cargos de liderança em diversos consórcios de indústria, incluindo o Comitê Consultivo e Presidente do Grupo de Trabalho de Análise e Gerenciamento de Dados para o Consórcio Preditivo de Testes de Segurança (PSTC) no Critical Path Institute. Matthews educação volta terreno é tão diversificada como sua experiência profissional. Ele recentemente adicionou dois MBAs da Columbia Business School e da Berkeley Haas School of Business para seu Ph. D. Em Toxicologia (Universidade de Kentucky, Faculdade de Medicina) e B. S. Em Química (Universidade de Tulsa, Faculdade de Engenharia). Ele é placa certificada em toxicologia (Diplomata do Conselho Americano de Toxicologia) e ganhou um Certificado de Empreendedorismo da Berkeley Haas School of Business. Matthew aconselha várias start-ups nos espaços de saúde e de TI de saúde e é atualmente um mentor para a Associação Empresarial de Estudantes Empreendedores de Stanford, Berkeley Haas School of Business, e UCSF Lean LaunchPad para as Ciências da Vida. Ele também é um parceiro no Rudius, um prémio, boutique winery localizado em Napa Valley. Desde a idade de 12, Mark tem sido um homem de negócios natural. Vendendo sacos de lixo porta a porta, a semente foi plantada no início para o que acabaria por se tornar sucesso a longo prazo. Após graduar-se da universidade de Indiana - onde brevemente possuído o bar o mais popular na cidade - a marca moveu-se para Dallas. Depois de uma disputa com um empregador que queria limpá-lo em vez de fechar uma venda importante, Mark criou a MicroSolutions, um serviço de consultoria em informática. Ele passou a vender mais tarde MicroSolutions em 1990 para a CompuServe. Em 1995, Mark e seu amigo de longa data Todd Wagner criaram uma solução baseada na internet para não poderem ouvir os Hoosiers Basketball Games no Texas. Essa solução era Broadcast - streaming de áudio pela internet. Em apenas quatro anos, a Broadcast (então Audionet) seria vendida ao Yahoo por 5,6 bilhões de dólares. Desde a sua aquisição do Dallas Mavericks em 2000, ele supervisionou os Mavs competindo nas finais da NBA pela primeira vez na história da franquia em 2006 - e tornando-se campeões mundiais da NBA em 2011. Eles estão atualmente listados como uma das franquias mais valiosas Forbes em Esportes. Além dos Mavs, Mark é presidente e CEO da AXS TV, um dos tubarões ABC no show de sucesso Shark Tank, e um investidor em um portfólio cada vez maior de negócios. Vive em Dallas com sua esposa Tiffany, filhas Alexis e Alyssa, e filho Jake. Scott Dietzen é atualmente CEO da Pure Storage e, antes disso, foi um empreendedor de três tempos com WebLogic, Zimbra e Transarc. Mais recentemente, foi presidente e CTO da Zimbra, um fornecedor de software de software de mensagens e colaboração de código aberto. A Zimbra (agora parte da VMware) foi pioneira nos paradigmas Web 2.0 e Open Core. A Zimbra foi originalmente adquirida pelo Yahoo. Onde Dietzen serviu como SVP provisório de Comunicações e Comunidades. Antes de Zimbra, Dietzen foi CTO da BEA Systems, adquirida pela Oracle em 2008, onde ajudou a desenvolver a tecnologia ea estratégia de negócios da WebLogic. Dietzen chegou à BEA em 1998 através da aquisição da WebLogic, uma empresa inovadora em Java e tecnologia de servidores de aplicações web. Ele obteve seu Ph. D. E M. S. Em Ciência da Computação da Carnegie Mellon University. Cyril é um sócio de risco em SOSventures e o fundador de HAX (o programa de acelerador startup da estreia para startups de ferragem - ampère de Shenzhen San Francisco), Acelerador de China (o primeiro acelerador startup em China - Shanghai) e LEAP Axlr8r (construindo o futuro do projeto de interação - São Francisco). Ele é um mentor na Techstars e 500startups, um conselheiro da Global Accelerator Network (globalacceleratornetwork / about /), bem como membro do conselho / conselheiro de algumas startups incluindo Leap Motion, Orderwithme, Next Thing Co e gTar. Ele é o investidor mais prolífico no espaço de hardware (40) e tem investido em todos os continentes. Cyril deu palestras, foi em painéis ou competições de arranque organizadas na Conferência Pioneers, TechCrunch, a Conferência New Contexto, AdTech, MIT GSW, MIT CHEFE, GMIC, GMIC-SV, CESIF, Samurai Incubar, RailsRumble, Nodeknockout, IBM Smartcamp, NUS, etc. Ele é o organizador das Conferências 10x10 realizadas em Pequim e Xangai, bem como as Conferências GENERATOR (generatorconf). Cyril também é uma das pessoas por trás de Startup Workaway (startupworkaway /): Coworking com Coconuts Melhores lugares virtuais para encontrá-lo: no Twitter cebersweiler chinaccelerator e haxco ou em Quora / AL para um toque mais pessoal. Você pode apoiar o seu sindicato de startups de hardware aqui: angel. co/sosv-hardware-angels/syndicate Especialidades: startups, empreendedorismo, marketing na internet, gestão de produtos, e-commerce, capital de risco, cocos. Josh é um parceiro de investimento na Greylock Partners, Ele investe em empreendedores construindo redes sociais e plataformas, aplicativos móveis, novas mídias e dispositivos conectados. Ele se juntou à equipe em 2011 e investe em empreendedores construindo novos produtos e serviços de consumo. Josh é especializada na concepção, construção e dimensionamento de produtos de consumo, tendo sido parte de várias empresas que cresceram para mais de 100 milhões de usuários. Antes de se juntar a Greylock, Josh passou 15 anos em funções de produto e engenharia em empresas líderes em assuntos sociais, comerciais e de mídia. Josh foi o líder do produto para o crescimento e relevância no Twitter, aumentando a base de usuários ativos de Twitters em quase 10x. Antes do Twitter, Josh trabalhou na plataforma no Facebook e liderou o lançamento do Facebook Connect. Josh era um dos primeiros funcionários do LinkedIn e ajudou a estabelecer modelos iniciais para o crescimento dos usuários e lançou o v1 do LinkedIn Jobs. Josh também desempenhou papéis líder de gestão de produtos para a Zazzle e produto e engenharia para RealJukebox e RealPlayer na RealNetworks. Josh atualmente atua nos conselhos de Médio, Meerkat, Operador, Discord, Musical. ly e Jelly. Josh também trabalha em estreita colaboração com os nossos investimentos em Nextdoor e Whosay. Josh liderou o investimento da Greylocks na SmartThings, que foi adquirida pela Samsung em 2014. Josh possui uma licenciatura em Sistemas Simbólicos com foco na Interação Homem-Computador da Universidade de Stanford. Josh é um empreendedor e um investor bem sucedidos com uma paixão para startups, música e o ambiente. Ele é um co-fundador da Freestyle, uma empresa de capital de risco de estágio inicial. Ele também co-fundou recentemente a Climate, uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada ao uso da tecnologia e das mídias sociais para ajudar a mitigar as mudanças climáticas. Antes do Freestyle, ele começou duas empresas bem sucedidas da Internet, Spinner e Grouper, que foram adquiridas pela AOL Time Warner e Sony por 320 milhões e 65 milhões, respectivamente. Ele se formou em Duke e Fuqua, onde atualmente está no conselho de administração do Centro de Empreendedorismo e da Força-Tarefa de Duke IampE. Brady é vice-presidente na Highway1, PCHs incubadora programa. Um orador prolífico e criador na cena geek, Brady pode ser encontrado em compromissos falando ao redor do mundo, inventando novas formas de transporte em Burning Man, ou criando na oficina Highway1 San Francisco. Além disso, Brady escreve para OReilly Radar, monitorando mudanças na tecnologia. Brady é o fundador da Ignite, um evento geek que se espalhou para mais de uma centena de cidades em todo o mundo. Detroit Venture Parceiros Detroit Venture Parceiros Dan Gilbert é fundador e presidente da Quicken Loans Inc. o segundo maior credor de hipotecas. He is also Founder and Chairman of Rock Ventures LLC, the umbrella entity for his portfolio of business and real estate investments, and majority owner of the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers. Rock Ventures and its more than 110 affiliated companies across the country employ more than 25,000 team members. Since 2013, Detroit-based Quicken Loans closed 200 billion in home loan volume across all 50 states, and in 2015, for the sixth consecutive year, earned J. D. Powers highest rating for customer satisfaction among all U. S. home loan lenders. Quicken Loans is No. 1 on Computerworld magazines 100 Best Places to Work in IT and has been named one of FORTUNE Magazines 100 Best Companies to Work For for 12 consecutive years. Dan is also a shareholder in several sports-related consumer and technology businesses, including a leading wall graphics company (Fathead), electronic ticketing company (Flash Seats) and innovative sports equipment helmet maker (Xenith). In 2008, Dan acquired One Reverse Mortgage. The company specializes in products that allow homeowners, 62 years and older, the opportunity to convert some of the equity in their homes into tax-free money. One Reverse Mortgage is now the largest retail reverse mortgage lender in the country. Dan began moving his Family of Companies to Detroits central business district in 2010 in an effort to help lead the transformation of a great American city. In January 2010, Dan co-founded Bedrock Real Estate Services, a full-service real estate firm specializing in purchasing, leasing, financing, developing and managing commercial space based in downtown Detroit. Since then, he has invested more than 1.8 billion to purchase and renovate more than 80 commercial properties accounting for more than 13 million square feet in the citys urban core. Thousands of jobs have been created, and today more than 15,000 Rock Ventures team members work in downtown Detroit. Dan founded Rock Gaming, a developer and owner of unique urban casinos in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Baltimore. The company acquired Detroits Greektown Casino-Hotel in April 2013. In March 2013, Rock Ventures, in collaboration with the Downtown Detroit Partnership and Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, unveiled and implemented a visionary placemaking and retail plan centered on creating activity and vibrant, distinct destinations to draw people to the region using a multifaceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. Dan is a Founder and Principal of Detroit Venture Partners (DVP), a venture capital firm that funds startup and early-stage technology companies in Detroit. He is also a Founding Partner of Detroit-based private equity group Rockbridge Growth Equity LLC, which invests in growing businesses in the financial services, Internet technology, consumer-direct marketing and the sports and entertainment industries across the United States. In September 2013, Dan was named co-chair of the Blight Removal Task Force. The group, appointed by the Obama Administration, published a detailed plan in May 2014 to remove all blighted structures and lots in the city of Detroit. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the M-1 RAIL initiative, which began construction in July 2014. The 6.6-mile light rail system is designed to spur economic development and improve downtown and midtown Detroits transportation infrastructure. In 2007, Dan founded Bizdom, a nonprofit entrepreneurial accelerator that trains, mentors and finances business builders in their startup enterprises in Detroit and Cleveland. Dan serves on the boards of the Cleveland Clinic, the Washington D. C.-based Childrens National Medical Center and the Childrens Tumor Foundation, which is focused on finding a cure for the genetic disorder neurofibromatosis. He earned his bachelors degree from Michigan State University and his law degree from Wayne State University. Bill Hambrecht founded WR Hambrecht Co in 1998, introducing OpenIPO as a means to level the playing field for both investors and issuers. Prior to that, in 1968, he co-founded Hambrecht amp Quist, an investment banking firm specializing in emerging high-growth technology companies. Bill has served as a director for numerous private and public companies. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Presidio Trust in San Francisco. In October, 2006, Bill was inducted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Bill graduated from Princeton University. Peter Hames is CEO of Big Health, a digital medicine company he co-founded with clinical psychologist Prof Colin Espie (University of Oxford). Big Health creates automated behavioral medicine programs fuelled by tracked data, and was inspired by Peters difficulty in getting access to evidence-based non-drug solutions to his own insomnia. Big Healths first product, Sleepio, is a digital sleep improvement program featuring personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, delivered by virtual animated sleep expert The Prof and his narcoleptic dog Pavlov. In the worlds first placebo-controlled randomised trial for an intervention of its kind, Sleepio was shown to be comparable in effectiveness to face-to-face therapy. Omar Hamoui is a partner at Sequoia Capital, where he focuses on partnering with early stage companies. Prior to Sequoia, Omar founded and ran several companies in mobile software and services. At the time, he was frustrated by the lack of available options when it came to promoting and monetizing mobile products. While working towards his MBA at the Wharton School, Omar began to think more seriously about the untapped potential of mobile advertising, and created AdMob to address this growing opportunity. Omar served as AdMobs CEO and a member of the companys board of directors from January 2006 through the companys acquisition by Google in May 2010. During his time at Google, Omar was a VP of mobile ads, responsible for the development and innovation of Googles mobile advertising products. After Google, Omar founded Churn Labs to incubate new startup teams and ideas. One of the teams which emerged from Churn Labs formed Maybe, Inc. a company focused on helping people make better decisions. This team became a part of LinkedIn in 2013. Julia Hartz hopes to inspire people to live more by building the worlds largest marketplace of live experiences. Since founding Eventbrite in 2006 with Kevin Hartz and Renaud Visage, the company has generated over 3 billion in gross ticket sales, with more than 200 million tickets processed to events and experiences around the globe. A key to this growth and success is the people of Eventbrite (fondly referred to as The Britelings), which has grown to nearly 400 employees in six offices around the world. Julia cultivates and advocates for Eventbrites award-winning culture (voted Best Places to Work in the San Francisco Bay Area five years running). She has been honored as one of Inc. s 35 under 35 in 2014 and Fortunes Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2013. Julia is also a frequent speaker on live experiences, consumer trends and entrepreneurship, and has been recently featured in Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg and Inc. Magazine. Previous to Eventbrite, Julia was a TV development executive at MTV and FX Networks. Kevin is a partner at Founders Fund. Prior to joining the firm, Kevin was Co-Founder and CEO of Eventbrite. Kevin was previously Co-Founder and CEO of Xoom Corporation, an international money transfer company servicing more than 30 countries worldwide. Xoom went public in 2012 and was acquired by PayPal in 2015. Kevin has served as an early-stage investor and advisor to successful start-ups including Airbnb, Lookout, PayPal, Pinterest, Skybox Imaging, Trulia, Uber, and Yammer. Elizabeth Holmes is CEO of Theranos. Elizabeth founded Theranos in 2003 with the mission to make actionable health information accessible to people everywhere at the time it matters, enabling early detection and intervention of disease, and empowering individuals with information to live the lives they want to live. Elizabeth left Stanford Universitys School of Engineering to build Theranos around her patents and belief that access to health information is a basic human right. For the last decade, she has led the company from concept to reality, enabling a new paradigm of individualized care. Theranos breakthrough advancements have made it possible to quickly process the full range of laboratory tests from a few drops of blood - instead of numerous tubes - and at unprecedented low costs, and are now directly accessible to people and their physicians through Theranos Wellness Centers opening nationwide. Ryan Hoover is the founder of Product Hunt(crunchbase/organization/product-hunt ), a community of people sharing, upvoting, and geeking out about new technology products, games, and books. Before Product Hunt, Ryan was an EIR at Tradecraft and Director of Product at PlayHaven. As a writer, Hoover has contributed to Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal(crunchbase/person/nir-eyal ) and written many essays, including features for TechCrunch(crunchbase/organization/techcrunch ), Forbes(crunchbase/organization/forbes ), Pando, Fast Company(crunchbase/organization/fast-company ), and The Next Web(crunchbase/organization/the-next-web ). He writes about startup trends, product designs, and production growth on his blog, ryanhoover. me. Hoover graduated from the University of Oregon(crunchbase/organization/university-of-oregon-2 ). After graduation, he spent time in Portland before permanently relocating to San Francisco, California. The Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute Walter Isaacson is the President and Chief Executive Officer at the Aspen Institute, a nonpartisan educational and policy studies institute based in Washington, DC. Walter has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer at CNN and the editor of TIME magazine. Walters most recent book, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution (2014) is a biographical tale of the people who invented the computer, Internet and the other great innovations of the digital age. Walter is the author of Steve Jobs (2011), Einstein: His Life and Universe (2007), Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (2003), and Kissinger: A Biography (1992), and coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made (1986). Walter began his career at The Sunday Times of London and then the New Orleans Times-Picayune. Walter joined TIME in 1978 and served as a Political Correspondent, National Editor and Editor of Digital Media before becoming the magazines 14th editor in 1996. Walter became Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer at CNN in 2001 and then President and Chief Executive Officer at the Aspen Institute in 2003. Walter is Chair Emeritus of Teach for America, which recruits recent college graduates to teach in underserved communities. From 2005-2007 Walter was the Vice-Chair of the Louisiana Recovery Authority, which oversaw the rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. Walter was appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate to serve as the chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which runs Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other international broadcasts of the United States, a position he held from 2009 to 2012. Walter is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the board of United Airlines, Tulane University, the Overseers of Harvard University, the New Orleans Tricentennial Commission, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Society of American Historians, the Carnegie Institution for Science, and My Brothers Keeper Alliance. Walter was born on May 20, 1952, in New Orleans. Walter is a Graduate of Harvard College and of Pembroke College of Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. Travis Kalanick is a co-founder and the CEO of Uber Technologies Inc.(crunchbase/organization/uber ). Travis Kalanick is an entrepreneur in the areas of consumer internet, transportation, and enterprise content delivery. His most recent company, Uber, an on-demand black car service, seeks to be Everyones Private Driver by bringing disruptive technology and business innovation to urban transportation challenges. Prior to Uber, Travis founded Red Swoosh(crunchbase/organization/red-swoosh ), an enterprise content delivery company that he sold to Akamai Technologies in 2007. Prior companies include Scour, the worlds first peer-to-peer search engine where Kalanick also attained the dubious distinction of having been sued for 250 billion. In addition, Kalanick has been an active angel investor. Kalanickis lived in Northridge, California where he graduated from Granada Hills High School and later enrolled in college at the University of California, Los Angeles(crunchbase/organization/university-of-california-los-angeles ) to study computer engineering. Silicon Valley Bank Silicon Valley Bank Bindi has worked in and around technology startups for most of her career. As a consultant (PwC Consulting),as a corporate (Microsoft BizSpark /Ventures), as an employee (Trayport), as an advisor (Startup Europe, Startup Weekend Europe, Tech London Advocates). as a connector (GQ and Evening Standard have recognised this) and until recently, and as their Banker (Silicon Valley Bank). The entrepreneurs have influenced her so greatly over the years, that shes now left, and is currently in the process of setting up a new venture. Sean Rad is the Co-Founder amp President of Tinder. Prior to Tinder, Sean was the Founder amp President of both Adly and Orgoo. A graduate of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Sean has remained in the Los Angeles area. Naval Ravikant is the CEO and a co-founder of AngelList. He previously co-founded Epinions (which went public as part of Shopping) and Vast. He is an active Angel investor, and have invested in dozens of companies, including Twitter, Uber, Yammer, Stack Overflow and Wanelo. Bill Ready came to PayPal with the acquisition of Braintree in late 2013. As CEO of Braintree, he and his team built one of the most innovative and influential startups in the payments industry. With its emphasis on mobile-first experiences, elegant tools for developers, and incredible customer support, Braintree developed industry-leading payment solutions that power many of the worlds most disruptive new businesses, including Uber, Airbnb, OpenTable, and Rovio/Angry Birds. At PayPal, Bill continues to lead Braintree, which operates as a separate service within PayPal, and sits on the companys executive staff. His focus is on scaling the Braintree platform and guiding efforts to push the boundaries of payment innovation for consumers, merchants and developers around the world. Before joining Braintree in 2011, Bill was executive in residence at Accel Partners, a leading Silicon Valley venture capital and growth equity firm. A veteran of the payments industry, Bill served as president of iPay Technologies beginning in 2008, guiding the company through a period of rapid revenue and earnings growth, and its sale to Jack Henry amp Associates for 300 million in 2010. He also worked as a strategy consultant for McKinsey amp Company, where he advised leading financial technology companies, and was an early engineer at two other successful start-ups: emphesys (merged with Humana in 2001) and Netzee (IPO November 1999). Bill holds an MBA from Harvard Business School where he was an honors recipient and a bachelors degree in information systems and finance from the University of Louisville. Danny Rimer is a general partner at Index Ventures, based in San Francisco. He currently serves on the boards of Flipboard, Patreon, 1stdibs, Farfetch, Sky (LSE:BSY), Good Eggs, Nasty Gal, Viagogo, Dropbox, Anki, and SFMOMA. Danny was previously a director of Etsy (NASDAQ:ETSY), Trialpay (now sold to Visa (NASDAQ:V)), KVS (NASDAQ:SYMC), Last. fm (NYSE:CBS), Lovefilm (NASDAQ:AMZN), MySQL (NASDAQ:ORCL), Neoteris (NASDAQ:JNPR) and Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY). Prior to joining Index in 2002, Danny was a general partner of The Barksdale Group, where he invested in a dozen companies including TellMe (Microsoft). Previously, Danny was Managing Director in Hambrecht amp Quists (JP Morgan) Equity Research Group and was responsible for the firms Internet practice. Kevin Rose is CEO of HODINKEE, and on the advisory board of the Tony Hawk Foundation, Google Ventures, and Harlan Estate. Previously Kevin founded Digg, Revision3, and was a General Partner at Google Ventures. Accolades: Top 25 Angel Investors, Bloomberg Top 25 Web Celebrities, Forbes Top 25 Most Influential People on the Web, Time Most Influential People on the Web, Businessweek Top 35 Innovators under 35, MIT Five-time Webby Award winner, The Webby Awards Before founding Petridish. org, Matt was a venture capital investor at Bessemer, where he focused on the mobile, digital-media and software sectors and was involved with investments in Intucell, Millennial Media, and several others. Matt started his career as an analyst in the Blackstone Groups private equity division, where he stayed until shortly after its IPO. There, he was involved in several transactions including the take-private of Nielsen and the dividend recapitalization of Centennial. Matt also worked in Blackstones Hong Kong office where he evaluated investments in the Thai, Indonesian and Australian markets. Matt holds a B. A. in economics, summa cum laude. and an MBA, both from Harvard University. While pursuing his undergraduate degree, Matt served on the Board of Directors of Harvard Student Agencies and ran its laundry, dry-cleaning and linen-rental business, winning Manager of the Year for turning around its performance. He also currently serves on the Board of Directors of SelectMinds, a social job recruiting company. His favorite research projects on Petridsh include Astronomy, Archaeology, Marine Biology and Economics. Tech Entrepreneur, CEO amp Co-Founder of Skycatch. Creator/Founder of DroneGames, former CTO at Storify, founding Chief Architect at Break, former Software guy at Disney General Catalyst Partners General Catalyst Partners Before joining General Catalyst Partners, Neil Sequeira held positions at Time Warner where he was most recently Managing Director, Technology for Time Warner Investments, formerly AOL Time Warner Ventures, the early stage private investment vehicle for the worlds largest media company at the time. Previously, Neil led Mergers and Acquisitions for CMGI, a diversified technology operating company and venture capital firm. Prior to that, he was with Goldman Sachs amp Co. and was a senior consultant with Accenture, where he managed project teams on technology-focused strategic and process initiatives for Fortune 500 companies. In addition, Neil was an early employee at Goldenvoice Presents, a diversified media company that manages artists, is a major concert promoter and created Coachella which has since become one of the largest concert festivals in the world. As a Managing Director of General Catalyst Partners, Neil invests in both new and existing technology businesses. His areas of special interest include: Internet and new media software commerce and network infrastructure. He is based in the firms Palo Alto office. Current Board Memberships: Cozy, DECA, Elemental Technologies, Flite, Highwinds Network Group, Listia, NatureBox, The Honest Company, This Technology and StyleSaint. Board Observer for RAMP and Visible Measures. Former Board Member on Boxee (acquired by Samsung in July 2013), Tremor Video (NYSE: TRMR), and Vitrue (acquired by Oracle in June 2012 Neil and GC co-founded the company). Former Board Observer for Hot Potato (acquired by Facebook in August 2010). One of Fast Companys Most Influential Women in Technology, Tina Sharkey is the CEO of SherpaFoundry and a Special Partner at SherpaVentures. SherpaFoundry provides strategic, trusted advice and guidance to select corporations and entrepreneurs to galvanize ideas and elevate assets. In her more than 20 years as an entrepreneur, corporate executive and media pioneer, Tina helps transform the way consumers interact with brands, consume media and use technology. Previously, she was a co-founder of iVillage, a senior executive at AOL and the Chairman and Global President of Johnson and Johnsons BabyCenter. Tina currently serves on the Board of Directors at HomeAway (NASDAQ:AWAY), Do and Brit Co. She is also a member of WomenNBCUs digital advisory board and a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. Tina has guest lectured at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2014, Tina spoke at TEDxHollywood on Unlocking Joy: The Art of Receptional Design. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Tina lives in Mill Valley, California with her two sons. Emmett Shear is founder and CEO of Twitch (twitch. tv), the worlds leading video platform and community for gamers. Mr. Shear is also co-founder of Justin. tv and a part-time partner at venture capital firm Y Combinator, where he advises fledgling startups on product and strategy. Mr. Shear graduated from Yale University in 2005 and in 2012 was included in Forbes Magazine on their 30 under 30 list. Twitch launched in 2011, and in 2014 The Wall Street Journal cited the brand as having the 4th largest peak internet traffic in the U. S. Harvard Business School Harvard Business School Sinofsky currently serves as Board Partner with Andreessen Horowitz and as an Executive in Residence at Harvard Business School. A respected technologist and business leader, Steven Sinofsky began his career at Microsoft in 1989. He started as a software design engineer in development tools. Working in product management, he grew to be one of the companys senior executives on Microsoft Office overseeing six major releases of the full range of Office apps and servers. Most recently he served as President of the Windows division through 2012. In this role, he oversaw many of Microsofts largest products, including the development of the Windows operating system, as well as Windows Services such as Outlook, SkyDrive and Identity. He earned a BA in Computer Science from Cornell and an MS from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. James Slavet is a Partner at Greylock since April 2006. James invests in mission-driven entrepreneurs who combine technology and human touch to deliver amazing consumer services. James current investments include CreativeLive (online creative education), GoFundMe (crowdfunding for personal causes), Lyra Health (software-enabled service for mental health care), One Kings Lane (e-commerce for home dcor) and Redfin (tech-enabled real estate brokerage). He invests in online marketplaces, e-commerce, end-to-end consumer services and business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) models. James has backed multiple companies that have scaled from early stages to hundreds of millions in annual revenue. James has also represented Greylock as a Board Member of companies that have been acquired by Adobe, Discovery Communications, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Yahoo. Prior to Greylock, James was a Vice President / General Manager in the Search amp Marketplace Business Unit at Yahoo. James is also worked in product development and operations roles in several early-stage consumer technology companies, including Guru (acquired by Unicru), Drugstore (acquired by Walgreens), and Wired (acquired by Conde Nast). James has been named several times to the Forbes Midas list, which recognizes top VC tech investors. James earned his B. A. degree from Brown University and his MBA from Harvard Business School. James and his wife Kaye have three young kids Max (a superhero), Hank (a construction worker) and Sydney Bea (a professional wrestler). Sutter Hill Ventures Sutter Hill Ventures Mike Speiser is Managing Director of Sutter Hill Ventures. Mikes current directorships include Platfora, Pure Storage, Sila Nanotechnologies, and Sumo Logic. He is also responsible for a number of the firms other investments including Instart Logic. Mike joined Sutter Hill Ventures in 2008 from Yahoo. where he was Vice President of Community products -- he joined Yahoo through the acquisition of Bix, where he served as CEO. Previously, Mike was Vice President and Technical Advisor to Symantecs Chairman amp CEO and served as Vice President of Product Marketing and Product Management at VERITAS Software, which was acquired by Symantec. He also co-founded Epinions, worked as a consultant at McKinsey amp Company, and was an analyst with CS First Boston. Mike holds a B. A. from the University of Arizona and an M. B.A. from Harvard Business School, where he graduated as a Baker Scholar. Markus leads the US business of EyeEm and the global product direction together with the team in Berlin. Prior to his role at EyeEm, Markus worked at Flickr as Head of Product and managed the global product direction and product management team of Yahoos photo-sharing service since 2011. As the head of product, Markus led the biggest redesign of Flickr in years, including significant updates for its iPhone and Android apps and one terabyte of free space to all Flickr users. Under his leadership, Flickr has reached about 100 million unique users and daily photo uploads have increased up to 7x across the companys desktop and mobile experiences. Prior to his role at Flickr, Markus worked in senior product management roles driving several mobile-focused areas at Yahoo since 2006. Markus joined Yahoo after co-founding a Berlin, Germany based start-up focusing on mobile app distribution and development. Markus has published several books and articles about mobile development, HTML5 and photo-sharing. In late 2013 Markus was named as one of Silicon Valleys top 40 under 40 by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. Rob Spiro is co-founder and CEO of Good Eggs. Before launching Good Eggs, Rob founded the social search engine Aardvark, which was acquired by Google in 2010, and was a product lead on the Google project. Prior to joining Aardvark, he worked to revitalize a family farm in upstate New York, helping to raise chickens and harvest tomatoes. It was getting his hands dirty on the farm that sparked his passion for food and sustainability. Mr. Stanford has been focused on the Internet/technology sector for 20 years in the capacity of advisor, operator and investor. Until March 2013, Mr. Stanford co-headed Goldman Sachss Global Internet Investment Banking business based in San Francisco. In his twelve years at Goldman he advised clients on 80 billion of equity and debt financings and strategic transactions and was deeply involved in making approximately 1.6 billion of principal investments in technology-enabled companies including Facebook, Uber, DST/Mail. ru and LinkedIn. His client coverage responsibility included companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Groupon, Zillow, Airbnb, Uber and many other established and emerging technology-enabled companies. Prior to Goldman, Mr. Stanford was an early employee of LookSmart, helping build the company from a start-up to a publicly traded NASDAQ company. During his tenure he held several technical, product, financial and strategic management positions including heading eCommerce, overseeing Product and Development, running Strategy and Corporate Development and running Business Development. While in business school, Mr. Stanford coded prototype applications for two startup ideas, one focusing on community service and the other focusing on automating amp prototyping core financial analyses. He has been coding since the age of thirteen. Mr. Stanford received his A. B. with Honors from Harvard College (Social Studies) and M. B.A. from Harvard Business School. Jeremy Stoppelman is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer since 2004 and a Member of the Board of Directors since September 2005 at Yelp. Prior to joining Yelp, Jeremy served as the Vice President of Engineering at PayPal, Inc. an online payment company, from February 2000 to June 2003. Prior to PayPal, Jeremy was a Software Engineer at ExciteHome, an Internet search provider, from August 1999 to January 2000. Jeremy holds a B. S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois. Ryan Sweeney joined Accel in 2008 and manages its growth fund. He i s the first outside investor and board member in a number of leading enterprise software companies like Atlassian, Hootsuite, Qualtrics, Squarespace and Xero. Ryan is also active with innovative mobile and payments startups like Invoice2go, Lightspeed and VSCO. He was also responsible for numerous investments with notable exits, including AirWatch (acquired by VMware), Braintree/Venmo (acquired by PayPal), Lynda (acquired by Linkedin) and OzForex (public). Ryan grew up in South Jersey and graduated from Notre Dame and Harvard Business School. Peter Thiel is a technology entrepreneur and investor. He first gained attention for innovations in banking and startup finance. Today he is known as the mentor of the PayPal mafia of entrepreneurs, as well as for his warnings of a coming technology deficit with severe economic consequences. He works to accelerate innovation to prevent such a crisis by identifying and funding promising technology ideas and by guiding successful companies to scale and dominate their industries. In 1998,Thiel made e-commerce easier, faster, and more secure by co-founding and leading PayPal, which now has more than 128 million active financial accounts. In 2002, he sold PayPal to eBay and founded a global macro fund, Clarium. In 2004, he co-founded Palantir Technologies, which offers platforms for finance companies and intelligence, defense, and law enforcement communities to integrate, visualize, and analyze the worlds information. In the same year, he made the first outside investment in Facebook, a social networking hub that now has more than a billion million active members. He serves on its board. Building on his personal success as a venture capital investor, Thiel co-founded and manages Founders Fund, a leading Silicon Valley venture capital fund that has pioneered new methods of venture financing that benefit founders. Through Founders Fund, as well as through his private investing, he has helped the next generation of tech companies, such as SpaceX, LinkedIn, Yelp, RoboteX, and Spotify. And in 2012 he co-founded Mithril Capital Management, an international technology investment fund. Thiel established and funds the Thiel Foundation, which promotes freedom in all its forms. He sponsors the Committee to Protect Journalists, The Seasteading Institute, and the Human Rights Foundation. He funds the artificial intelligence research of theMachine Intelligence Research Institute. He also aids work against violence through theOslo Freedom Forum and through the research of philosopher Ren Girard, which is extended and promulgated by Imitatio. He also promotes better health by funding the longevity research of Dr. Cynthia Kenyon and the SENS Research Foundation. Thiel created the 20 Under 20 Thiel Fellowship, which nurtures the tech visionaries of tomorrow. And he formed Breakout Labs to help independent scientists, engineers, and inventors advance their most radical ideas. Thiel earned a B. A. in philosophy from Stanford University and a J. D. from Stanford Law School, where he occasionally teaches on globalization and technology and serves on the board of overseers of the Hoover Institution. His articles have appeared in Policy Review and the Wall Street Journal. He co-produced the film Thank You for Smoking, was rated a master by the United States Chess Federation, and received the Innovation Award from the Economist in 2010. He lives in San Francisco. David Tisch is the Managing Partner of BoxGroup, a New York City-based early stage investment fund. BoxGroup is an investor in over 200 seed-stage companies, including Vine, Blue Apron, Sunrise, Warby Parker, Harrys, Oscar, Behance, Handy and more. David is also the co-founder and Chairman of Spring, a mobile marketplace where customers shop directly within the app from a curated community of brands. Spring was named by Apple as one of the Best Apps of 2014. In 2014, David was named Head of Startup Studio at Cornell Tech, the Universitys New York City-based graduate campus focused on digital technologies and the information economy. He is also Entrepreneur in Residence for Whartons Entrepreneurship Program. David is the co-founder of TechStars NYC and has served on numerous boards, including Mayor Bloombergs Advisory Council on Technology, the Investor Board of Venture for America, and the Entrepreneurship board at NYU. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and New York University School of Law, and currently lives in New York City Glen Tullman is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Livongo Health. He is also a successful entrepreneur and co-founder and Managing Partner of 7wire Ventures, a Chicago-based investment firm focused on healthcare and education. Tullman most recently served as Chief Executive Officer of Allscripts (NASDAQ: MDRX), the leading global provider of Electronic Health Records, Practice Management and Electronic Prescribing systems. He led Allscripts IPO and secondary offerings. Under his leadership, revenues grew from 30 million in 1997 to more than 1.4 billion in 2012. Tullman stepped down in December 2012. Prior to joining Allscripts, Tullman was CEO of Enterprise Systems, a leading healthcare-information services company providing resource-management solutions to large, integrated healthcare networks. Tullman led its IPO and secondary offerings. Enterprise was sold to McKesson HBOC (NYSE: MCK). Tullman has founded or co-founded a number of ventures including one of the countrys leading solar energy companies, SoCore Energy, recently sold to Edison Ventures, and a digital education company, digedu, and holds investments in several ventures focused on mobile and cloud-based health solutions. A strong proponent of philanthropy, he serves as a Chancellor to the International Board Tomasz Tunguz is a venture capitalist at Redpoint Ventures(crunchbase/organization/redpoint-ventures ). He is also a board member of Looker, ERPLY, Electric imp, inc. AxialMarket, Quantifind, Expensify, and more. Prior to joining Redpoint, Tomasz was the product manager for Googles social media monetization team, including the Google-MySpace partnership. In addition, he managed the launches of AdSense into six new markets in Europe and Asia. Before Google, Tomasz developed systems for the Department of Homeland Security at Appian Corporation. Tomasz also co-founded Perquimans Systems, a provider of bilingual, tri-currency automated time billing and document management systems for top tier law firms in Chile. Tomasz holds a B. A. in mechanical engineering, a B. E. in system identification and control systems and Master of Engineering Management from Dartmouth College. Current: Partner Homebrew. Seed stage venture fund serving founders who enable individuals and small biz to think big. Brewed in SF. Enjoyed nationwide. Find us at Homebrew. co. Previously: Led consumer product management at YouTube, delivering billions of playbacks a day across computers, phones, tablets and TVs. Joined Google in 2003 managing product and sales efforts for Googles contextual advertising business. Founding member of the product and marketing team at Linden Lab, the creators of online virtual world Second Life. Earlier, a management consultant and also spent a year at Late Night with Conan O Brien, broadcasting to an audience of insomniacs, truckers and college students. Grinded a BA in History from Vassar and an MBA from Stanford University. Got a wife, a daughter and a house in San Francisco. Life is good. Williams is one of our founders and has served as a member of our board of directors since May 2007. From October 2008 to October 2010, Williams served as our President and Chief Executive Officer, from July 2009 to March 2010, as our Chief Financial Officer and from February 2008 to October 2008, as our Chief Product Officer. Since April 2011, Williams has served as Chief Executive Officer of Medium, an online publishing platform, and since October 2006, as Chief Executive Officer of The Obvious Corporation, a technology systems innovator. Williams was selected to serve on our board of directors because of the perspective and experience he brings as one of our founders and as one of our largest stockholders, as well as his extensive experience with technology companies. Tony Xu is the CEO and Co-founder of DoorDash, an on demand-delivery company that enables delivery in areas where it was not previously possible. Starting with restaurants, DoorDash is building the infrastructure and logistics platform to allow any local merchant to deliver. Prior to co-founding DoorDash, Tony worked in product at Square, led business development at RedLaser (eBay), and began his career at McKinsey and Company. He holds a B. S. with High Honors in Industrial Engineering from UC Berkeley and a MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.
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